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Women's Health, Menopause Carolyn Bouquot Women's Health, Menopause Carolyn Bouquot

3 Reasons You’re So Tired in Your 40s (And What You Can Do to Fix It)

Enter our 40s: in a time that should be less stressful as kids become more independent and careers are more settled, many of us feel like hitting snooze more than ever before. Don’t worry— you aren’t having a midlife crisis. Feeling more tired in your 40s is normal, and there are things you can do to increase your energy levels instantly. First, let’s talk about what might be causing your fatigue.

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Women's Health Carolyn Bouquot Women's Health Carolyn Bouquot

3 Hormones That are Causing Your Menopause Symptoms (#3 Might Surprise You!)

When many of us think about hormones, we are brought back to our teenage years. During puberty, there is a surge in hormone production, leading to physical and emotional changes. We might remember having to learn to use a razor after our first leg hairs began to crop up or figuring out how a tampon works in the school bathroom. While our hormones first start to play a role in our lives during those teenage years, they actually affect our bodies throughout the rest of our lives too.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gut Health Carolyn Bouquot Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gut Health Carolyn Bouquot

The Magic of Hydration for Digestive Comfort

Have you ever thought about what's in your cup and how it affects your digestive system? Proper hydration can work wonders for your digestion. Water plays a crucial role in breaking down food, aiding nutrient absorption, and ensuring regular bowel movements. It's essentially like giving your digestive system a helping hand to perform its job effectively.

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Eating for Happy Digestion: Expert Tips for Women

Let's talk about something that's close to all of our hearts – or should I say, stomachs – digestive health. If you've ever had those days where your belly feels more like a balloon or you've played a game of "guess the culprit" with your tummy, you're in good company. As women, our digestive systems can sometimes feel like they have a mind of their own.

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Nutrition Carolyn Bouquot Nutrition Carolyn Bouquot

Managing Your Food Cravings

Cravings have a way of sneaking up on us, whispering enticingly to our taste buds. Whether it's the allure of chocolate, the temptation of chips, or the irresistible call of comfort foods, we've all been there. But have you ever wondered why your cravings tend to gravitate towards specific foods? In this article, we'll explore common food cravings and their meanings, as well as strategies to keep them in check.

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Women's Health Carolyn Bouquot Women's Health Carolyn Bouquot

Nourishing Your Body and Mind: Nutrition Strategies to Alleviate PMS Symptoms

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common condition that affects many women during their menstrual cycle. While its exact causes are not fully understood, the impact of hormonal fluctuations on mood, energy levels, and physical well-being is clear. Fortunately, adopting a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet can play a significant role in improving the discomfort associated with PMS. In this blog post, we will explore the connection between nutrition and PMS and provide practical dietary tips to help you sail through your menstrual cycle with greater ease.

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Body Image Carolyn Bouquot Body Image Carolyn Bouquot

Your Health and Self-Worth is Not Determined by a Number on the Scale

Remember those childhood visits to the doctor's office when your weight was recorded? It's astonishing how a simple comment from a well-meaning doctor or nurse could shape our perception of ourselves.

Whether they said, "you're growing nicely since your last visit" or "you’re gaining too much weight. this is not good. you need to lose weight and go on a diet," that single moment ingrained in you the idea that your health and self-worth is tied to your body weight.

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Nutrition Carolyn Bouquot Nutrition Carolyn Bouquot

Sugar and Sweet Treats: Finding Balance in Your Diet

I bet many of you can relate to the struggle of having a sweet tooth that just won't quit. Trust me, I get it. Growing up, my grandma used to spoil me with mouthwatering cinnamon sugar toast for breakfast. And let's not forget the joy of earning dessert by finishing my veggies at dinner. Oh, those were the days!

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