The Magic of Hydration for Digestive Comfort

Have you ever thought about what's in your cup and how it affects your digestive system? Proper hydration can work wonders for your digestion. Water plays a crucial role in breaking down food, aiding nutrient absorption, and ensuring regular bowel movements. It's essentially like giving your digestive system a helping hand to perform its job effectively.

Starting your day with a glass of water is like magic.

Drinking water first thing in the morning is jump-starting your hydration for the day. It's sending a friendly reminder to your gut that it's time to wake up and shine.

If you need some hydration inspiration, consider infusing your water with slices of cucumber, lemon, or a sprig of mint. This not only adds a touch of flavor but also encourages you to sip throughout the day. And don't forget hydrating foods like watermelon, lettuce, and hydrating smoothies – they all contribute to your hydration goals.

Speaking of hydration goals, my daughter, who just had a baby, has struggled to get enough water each day. She needs to drink even more than usual due to her increased needs for nursing her baby. When she doesn't drink enough, her breast milk supply is reduced and she gets constipated. To overcome this, she got herself a reusable water bottle with labeled times. Now, she always knows where she's at with her daily water intake and whether she needs to pick up the pace on her hydration.

Here are some important things to know about fluids and your health:

  • Your body is made up of approximately 60% water.

  • Main Functions of Water: Detoxification, lubrication, temperature regulation, and nutrient absorption.

  • Signs of Inadequate Water Intake: Fatigue, hunger, cravings, dry skin, dark urine, headaches, and constipation.

  • Daily Recommended Water Intake: A good way to estimate your fluid needs is to divide your body weight in pounds by 2. For example, if you weigh 176 pounds, you need 88 ounces of water per day.

    • Ideally, at least half your daily fluid intake should come from water. Other sources of fluid include fruits, vegetables, milk, coffee, tea, juices, sports drinks, and soft drinks.

Tip: Bring 2 gallons of filtered water to work every week. Put it in a place where you can see it. Make it a goal to drink 1/3 gallon every day (1/3 gallon = 43 ounces).

So, let's raise our water bottles (or fancy infused glasses) to staying hydrated and keeping our digestion in tip-top shape. With each sip, you're giving your body the gift of hydration and supporting a happy, comfortable belly. Cheers to that!

Until Next Time—

Hi! I’m Carolyn

I’m a registered dietitian-nutritionist and certified health coach who specializes in women’s health and mindful eating. I am passionate about helping people discover the best ways to fuel their unique bodies to feel better physically and mentally.

I would love to help you on your path to optimal health!

Check out my coaching services or schedule a discovery call with me today!

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