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Nutrition Carolyn Bouquot Nutrition Carolyn Bouquot

Managing Your Food Cravings

Cravings have a way of sneaking up on us, whispering enticingly to our taste buds. Whether it's the allure of chocolate, the temptation of chips, or the irresistible call of comfort foods, we've all been there. But have you ever wondered why your cravings tend to gravitate towards specific foods? In this article, we'll explore common food cravings and their meanings, as well as strategies to keep them in check.

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Nutrition Carolyn Bouquot Nutrition Carolyn Bouquot

Sugar and Sweet Treats: Finding Balance in Your Diet

I bet many of you can relate to the struggle of having a sweet tooth that just won't quit. Trust me, I get it. Growing up, my grandma used to spoil me with mouthwatering cinnamon sugar toast for breakfast. And let's not forget the joy of earning dessert by finishing my veggies at dinner. Oh, those were the days!

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